Vents Magazine

Playboy Playmate Jamy G Talks Fashion, Nutrition, and More

[as originally published on]

Jamy G is a model, certified nutritionist, and a health enthusiast. Born and raised in Westport, Connecticut, Jamy relocated to New York City at age 17 to pursue fashion. While there she studied Commercial & Advertising Art and earned a degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). She began her modeling career in her early 20s, which led to numerous fashion shoots culminating in her being crowned Playboy Playmate of the Year New Zealand in July 2022. The Latin beauty, who thrives on travel, having visited all corners of the world for both work and pleasure, currently resides in Los Angeles. Vents had the privilege of speaking with the lady of the hour about herself, her journey, the fun she had along the way, and the exciting world of fashion.

Have to ask right away: East Coast or West Coast? Or what do you especially like about either? 

I’m an east coast girl at heart! NYC will always be my stomping grounds. West coast is just a different lifestyle. It’s slower paced and based on looking and feeling your best… And I’m okay with that [laughs].

You’ve had such an exciting modeling career. What was your first modeling gig?

My first gig I was super shy. It was in a loft in SoHo with a great photographer that loved my look. I was 20 at the time. But once I started hearing the camera go off, I got comfortable really fast. 

What do you wish you could have told your younger self about modeling?

Stop eating crappy foods then crash dieting for a shoot. And get in the gym harder! 

Being a Playboy Playmate is a goal of many models, much less Playmate of the Year. How did that happen for you?

The creative director followed me for a while and really wanted to work with me. She had a beautiful vision and loved my story.

As a nutritionist, what do you see that America most needs to improve upon? Where, if anywhere, do you think the US has gotten better?

Americans are notorious for their fast-food consumption. Nearly 37% of Americans regularly eat fast food! A staggering 74% of adult Americans are overweight. I think education needs to be implemented starting at a very young age. I guess we’re starting to become more aware of what we put in our bodies with veganism and organic being popular, but we have a long road ahead of us. 

Is there any food you were especially excited about when you discovered it?

I love discovering new recipes that make things that would normally be highly caloric turn into super healthier versions. My latest obsession is broccoli-based pizza… The “crust” is shredded broccoli and three eggs! 

What is your workout routine like? How much cardio do you believe is the minimum to get in a week?

For me I love to lift weights. It shapes and molds your body. Women are so afraid of lifting weights thinking that they will become bulky, but it’s a huge misconception. I probably do 15 minutes of cardio to warm up before workouts. Cardio is only good if you want to strengthen your heart and blood vessels and improve the flow of oxygen in your body. Yes, you burn calories, but you’re not shaping your body. 

What is your favorite cheat meal?

For me, I don’t think of it as a cheat meal because it sounds naughty like you shouldn’t be doing it. I just normally have a nutrient-dense diet. And if I want to have a conscious indulgence, I allow myself to! 

Any place you’re especially excited about visiting soon? How did you cope during COVID with not being able to travel?

I can’t wait to revisit Asian countries. I miss the food and the culture. During Covid I still found a way to travel. I stayed in New York for the worst of it and then went to Montana where things were a lot more open and free. I definitely do miss the days of empty airports.

Anything upcoming that we should be watching out for?


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