
Jamy G, Playboy Playmate of the Year 2022 New Zealand

Playmate of the Year New Zealand

with Playboy New Zealand Playmate of the Year Jamy G / @ilovejamyg

Photography by Chris Martin | @bychrismartin 
Creative Director Aria Garcia | @Fashionsinstorage 
Production Influence Effect | @theinfluenceeffect 
Makeup Damien Diaz | @theDamienDiaz 
Hair Leo Valentino | @LeoValentinoHair
Jewelry by Crucian Gold / @cruciangold  / 

Jamy G, Playboy Playmate of the Year 2022 New Zealand

[as originally published on]

Jamy such an absolute honour to have you as the Playmate of The Year! Talk to us about your career and how you got here? Thank you so much! I started in NYC in my early 20s modeling and traveling the was an experience I wouldn’t change for anything. I’ve been very lucky and super grateful for the life that I have.

Love that cosplaying is one of the things you are incredibly good at, what are your favourite characters you enjoy dressing up as? I think any character I mould myself into isn’t just saved for one time a year, I’m constantly evolving and changing my look and style.. I always tell my boyfriends to consider themselves lucky- they get a new girl every couple months so they have no need to stray lol!

You have travelled a lot in your career, what are some of your favourite places to visit in the world? Yes, I have been very blessed with the ability to see and experience some of the most amazing 5-star locations. I think one of my all-time faves would be Hong Kong, when I go everyone is fascinated by my look. It’s not every day they see a tall Latina with all the right curves lol! My second would be London and Ibiza as I’ve been going every year the past 7 years. Some of the best nightlife and exclusive gastronomic delights!

We love that you are big on health and fitness, being a nutritionist must have its perks to maintain your stunning figure, what is your favourite cheat snack? Becoming a certified nutritionist was one of the most eye-opening experienced. You think you know what you’re doing until you actually learn what you’re supposed to be doing lol the gym aspect is only 30% the rest is nutrition/diet. One of my cheat snacks I can’t live without and can easily get tempted with is chocolate covered almonds and a good carrot cake, I don’t care how lean I’m trying to get if you put it in front of me it’s a wrap!

What puts the biggest smile on your face? I think when I visit my mom and dad. As they get older, they just get cuter and cuter! The love they share for each other after all these years is just beautiful to be around.

What are some of your biggest passions?  I think currently I’m really enjoying self-discovery and embracing my femininity to unleash my inner goddess, whether it be doing things that spark my creativity or making my own pleasure a priority! Another passion of mine is the health and fitness journey and continuing to inspire others. I love constantly learning and evolving. A lot of people really got lost during the pandemic and really need help, so watching me I’m hoping they feel empowered to make better decisions.

3 ultimate deal breakers when it comes to men? Oh, that’s easy…my 1,2, and 3 is CHEAP MEN. Their stinginess will always find ways to resurface in the form of moodiness, whining, and passive aggressiveness. Guys that are cheap aren’t givers and will always put themselves first, neglecting your needs in the meantime.

What are some of the things that attract you to a man? I think an up-for-anything attitude is FUN, also a sense of humor is a must! Being positive, driven, and generous. This subconsciously communicates that you are in charge.

What is the most daring thing you have ever done? Definitely bungy jumping off the Macau tower! It’s the world’s highest bungy in the world at 764 ft high..I was terrified but once I went through with it I wanted to go again!

What would be your idea of the ultimate date, how does one go about treating you to something that would blow your mind? I’ve been blown away plenty. I don’t think it gets better than flying on a private jet to Miami— nowadays I’m happy with going to a dine-in cinema with my chocolate covered almonds where I fall asleep midway through the movie lol.

Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? Primarily on Instagram.

We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Thanks so much for all the love! Looking forward to this journey called LIFE XO

