Naluda Magazine

Interview with Model & Playmate of The Year Jamy G

Jamy G, Playboy Playmate of the Year 2022 New Zealand

[as originally published on]

Check out our interview with stunning model, certified nutritionist and Playboy’s New Zealand Playmate of The Year Jamy G.

Born and raised in Westport, Connecticut, Jamy relocated to New York City at age 17 to pursue fashion. While there she studied Commercial & Advertising Art and earned a degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). She began her modeling career in her early 20s, which led to numerous fashion shoots culminating in her being crowned Playboy Playmate of the Year New Zealand in July 2022.

Follow Jamy @Ilovejamyg

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Stoic, sensual and supernatural!

Who is your role model?

For me, JLo is the ultimate role model. She is the hardest-working woman in Hollywood and has influenced and paved the way for Latinas.

How and when did you start in modeling?

I was about 20 years old when I moved to New York City to pursue fashion and ended up in front of the camera one day when my girlfriend got a fun gig for me. I was nervous but excited!

What is fun and rewarding about modeling? And what is not?

The fun and rewarding part is seeing how we can become chameleons with all different looks. It can make me feel sexy and boosts my confidence. On the other hand, I think the hardest part is having to always keep up a certain body image. I’m pretty hard on myself when it comes to staying in shape and dieting. My friends always tell me to loosen up, but I enjoy the discipline.

Jamy G is a model, certified nutritionist, and a health enthusiast. Born and raised in Westport, Connecticut, Jamy relocated to New York City at age 17 to pursue fashion.

Now tell us about your experience working with Playboy’s New Zealand and to be named Playmate of The Year? That’s amazing! Congrats!

The experience was surreal! I’ve always admired the glamorous and provocative allure of the magazine. I felt beautiful, powerful and confident!

Do you still get nervous?

Rarely. But if I do, I drink a coffee and get my energy up.

What’s your advice for the newer models and influencers?

For models, I would say always wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun to preserve your skin! It’s important to do what you can to keep your skin fresh and young, because there is always a younger girl around the corner [laughs]. For influencers, know who your audience is and stay authentic. People can smell a fraud a mile away.

What mindsets helped in making you so successful and popular?

I think just being myself and showing everyone a glimpse into my lifestyle. People are fascinated with other people’s lives and it’s nice to kind of follow and grow through the great times and hardships.

As a popular model and influencer you are followed by so many people. How do you feel about that pressure of doing always the right thing, and encouraging people to follow their dreams?

I feel like it is my duty to be a positive influence for people, whether it’s eating the right foods and exercising or going to church on Sundays. There is so much evil in the world, so if I can offer some type of glimmer of hope for anyone, I’ll feel like my job was done.

Now talking about Instagram, can you share some tips for keeping your account interesting?

Well, I just live my daily life with a lot of traveling and “barely-there” outfits. I don’t really do TikTok, so you won’t catch me doing the weird dances [laughs]!

I bet you get millions of it, but what are the best and worst Instagram DM pickup lines you received so far?

If you ever need an ego boost, just go into my DMs and read messages from men around the world telling you how beautiful you are. As far as pick up lines, you’ll have to do better than that to get my attention.

What is the most challenging thing you deal with about consistently staying in top shape?

Friends always inviting you out to dinners and drinks! Also traveling, getting out of your routine and trying to eat healthy while on the road.

Please describe a typical day for you. What is your daily routine like?

If I’m not traveling, I usually love to wake up early and get my morning latté, then make my way to the gym or take a strengthening class. I love to cook my own organic meals then do some work on my laptop and check in with family. Then if I’m going to an event or dinner, I’m in bed by 11 at the latest. One of the main reasons I moved to LA was due to its laid-back lifestyle that revolved around health.

You are also a certified nutritionist. Please tell us about that and if you have any plans to follow this experience with an app, podcast or something where you can share your experience with your followers?

Growing up in a Latin household, we were fed very well, so I quickly had an obsession with tasty foods. I found out very quickly that if you don’t watch what you eat the weight comes on easily. So, as a girl trying to maintain a decent figure, it was necessary to expand my knowledge on nutrition. It was fascinating to learn that what we put in our body can either support or damage our wellbeing. I also realized there’s a lot of misinformation put out there, so I love giving tips and helping others on their heath journey.

If you are a book, what would be the title of the book and why?

“Yesterday Ain’t Going to Be My Tomorrow” — a novel about never looking back or letting your past define your future!

Any advice to entrepreneurs out there?

Try everything once.

What book should every entrepreneur read?

“How to Set-Up Your Personal Brand for Under $1,000” by my friend Dan Fleyshman.

What did you learn from your biggest failure?

One of the most important aspects of failure is what you learn from the situation. EMBRACE them!

What advice would you give to your younger self and why?

If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. In other words, try and surround yourself with people that are doing amazing, positive things that change the world for the better.

Do you support any charities?

Yes, I support the BStrong foundation by Bethenny Frankel. It provides emergency assistance for people in crisis.

Jamy G is a model, certified nutritionist, and a health enthusiast. Born and raised in Westport, Connecticut, Jamy relocated to New York City at age 17 to pursue fashion.

How would you explain your fashion style?

My fashion style is a reflection of a version of myself that I want the world to see. It highlights individuality and allows me to express myself without a single word.

How would your best friend describe you?

I actually texted one of my best friends and she said, “A wild, good-time gal that nags and is high maintenance” [laughs].

What’s next for Jamy G in the last months of 2022 and for 2023?

Really putting myself out there and building my online presence, shooting more content and traveling.

What is your own definition of happiness?

Love, family, health, wellbeing, purpose, wealth.

What is your idea of a perfect Sunday?

Going to church then having a lovely “Sunday Funday” brunch with friends that I adore.

If you could meet someone living or dead, who would it be and why?

Elvis Presley. I find him fascinating.

Best advice ever given?

Do what is right not what is easy.

Name 3 things you can’t live without?

A gym, SPF, and a manicure.

Where do you see yourself and your career in 5 years from now?

Maybe married, or just continuing to be the best version of myself in whatever form that takes on.

Favorite song? Why?

Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic.” Because, isn’t it ironic?

What music do you like?

I love everything from Fleetwood Mac to Elvis. I’m an old soul. The new stuff bores me.

What do you think of Social Media?

It can be great for building any career you want, or, who knows, even meeting the love of your life. It allows people to connect in a way that we never could in the past.

Where we can follow you?

Ig: @Ilovejamyg

Quote: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Favorite Singer/Artist: Fleetwood Mac/Stevie nicks.

Movie: Clueless. Death Becomes Her. Marie Antoinette.

Travel Destination: London.

Sports Team: I don’t watch any [laughs].

TV Show: Housewives franchise. Euphoria. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

Book: Inside Out, Demi Moore.

Photo Credit: Chris Martin


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